How many of you have seen the movie ‘The Bucket List’? Well, the other night while lying in bed, I caught the very end of the movie. All I can say is that it is such a sad…but powerful movie!! Anyway, it got me thinking…if I had to create a “Bucket List” of my own, what would be on it…
So, here it is, the short version of my '”Bucket List”…in no particular order.
1) I would to see either puppies or kittens be born.
2) Can’t wait to experience the joys of being a Grandmother.
3) Look SO forward to the day that I am able to help plan my children’s weddings.
4) One day, I would love to be able to quit my job at the Bank and open up my own Prim Shop.
5) Wish that some day soon, “Big Daddy” and I can take the Honeymoon that we never had.
So, how about all of you? what would be on YOUR “Bucket List”?
Til Next Time…Hugs!! Carrie♥
"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Sunday, February 28, 2010
My Bucket List…the short version!!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Think Spring…

After my last post, I decided it was time to do a little “Spring Cleaning” around here…of these “Winter Blues”, that is. With every thing that has happened in the past week, it truly has me appreciating all of the good in my life. Wanting to hug my loved ones a little longer!! And mostly, wanting to stop with the “Stinkin’ Thinkin’”.
While we are on the subject of “Spring Cleaning”, I need to do some serious cleaning of another sort. I don’t know about all of you, but I am ready to open up the windows, get out the cleaning supplies and work my magic!!
As much as I hate to admit it, I don’t really have a “Spring Cleaning” routine per se. I generally just make a list of everything that I would like to do around the house and then run around like a mad woman trying to get it all accomplished.
Which unfortunately, usually never happens. Between work, the kids, running errands, etc. This old lady tends to run out of energy. So, I ask you all this…what are your tips and/or tricks for housework? Do you generally do a “Spring Cleaning”? And if so, do you have a routine you wouldn’t mind sharing?
BTW, I have tried several attempts of dividing the housework into “Chore List” for each family member always to no avail…so, do any of you have suggestions of “Chore Lists” that seem to work?
Anyway, hope you all are having a WONDERFUL weekend!!
Til Next Time…Hugs!! Carrie♥
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Evening all!! I know that should be in bed…5:30am will be here before I know it. But I am a buddle of nerves tonight, and can’t sleep.
So much has happen this past week that has me feeling lost. More so than normal…LOL!!
First of all, one of my closest friend’s brother got into a major car accident last Thursday night. He is doing much better now, but for a little while they weren’t sure if he’d even make it.
Then, we are playing the waiting game with some swollen Lymph Nodes my daughter has in her neck. They are treating her with a round of antibiotics but they said if they aren’t better after that, they will want to do further testing…but the swelling seems to be going down. So, let’s keep our fingers crossed!!
But the worst news of all has to do with my Primary Care Physician…I am not sure if any of you remember me telling you but my DR (who BTW is only 40 YO) has Stage 4 terminal Brain Cancer, well this past weekend his wife (who is also 40 YO) died of Cardiac Arrest.
I am telling you, how much tragedy can one family take!?!? For the past year or so, Dr. S and his wife have been preparing for his death only for him to outlive her. And to make the matter even worse, they have FOUR young children. I believe an 11 YO, 8 YO and 4 YO twins.
And as bad as this may sound, that is just a few of the things that have happened…in the past week our community has also experienced a drowning death of a Mother, her 7 YO son and his 6 YO friend. And also a tragic plane crash of a small plane that killed two.
I know when things like this happen, it should make us appreciate what we have that much more. And trust me it does!! But at the same time, I can’t help but to wonder why!?!?!? Why do terrible things like this have to happen?
So, as I close this up…I would like to ask all of you give the ones you love an ♥EXTRA♥BIG♥HUG♥ tonight. And please pray for others not so fortunate!!
Til Next time…HUGS!! Carrie♥
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wood Shop Wednesday...On Thursday!!
Tonight I wanted to share a few pics of my Prim Pouting Chair that my sweet HUBBY made for me a few weeks back. I finally got it painted, sanded and stained.
Sorry for the pics...they aren't the best quailty. But I think you get the idea.
Hubby and I have been thinking about trying to sell a few of his wood projects. SO if you were us, how much would you charge for something like this!?!?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What Kind Of Glass Are You!?!?!?
Evening follow bloggers!! Hope you are all having a nice and relaxing evening at home!! I know I am. Work has been so stressful lately, that I feel like doing nothing BUT relaxing the last few evenings. LOL!!
I would love to say that my mood has improved since my “Moody Monday” post..but not so much!!
But as I was sitting at work today, I was thinking about some of my fellow bloggers that always seem to have the most encouraging posts. And also a co-worker of mine, who has to be the most upbeat and positive person I know.
You see a few years ago, this woman was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. And not even thru the Chemo or Radiation did she lose her bubbly personality.
And that got me thinking how negative of a person I really am. Not for the lack of trying..but I guess as the saying goes bad habits really are hard to break.
So, I ask you all of this..what are you? A 1/2 glass full person? Or 1/2 glass empty?
And if you are a 1/2 glass full have you always been that way? Or were able to break that “stinkn’ thinkn’” cycle? And if so, how did you do it?
Til Next Time..Hugs!! Carrie♥
Monday, February 15, 2010
Moody Monday
I don’t know about any of you..but I have to admit I am starting to feel a little emotional lately. I don’t know if it is because of the weather. Or being stuck in this house the last few days (besides church yesterday morning) due to hubby’s surgery. Or the fact that I have to go back to work tomorrow after being off the last 5 days. Or the fact that I think I am getting a cavity and my fear of dentists. LOL!! But I have been feeling a little emotional lately. How about you?
Just to let you all know, hubby is doing well. Recovering right on track...hopefully!! BTW, I wanted to share something that really moved me this past week. As some of you may know, this was my husband’s 18th surgery in 5 years. And another thing that some of you may know, is that my family just started going to church about 4 months ago.
So, when our new Pastor called Wednesday night to see if he could come sit with me during Ed’s surgery..I wasn’t quite sure what to say. I insisted he didn’t have to but when there was a knock on the door only minutes after they rolled Ed back, I was moved.
You see, after 18 surgeries..that was the FIRST time I ever had anybody come sit with me. You see, I am not very close to my family. So, moral support isn’t something I am used to.
So, when I say I am been feeling emotional I don’t think it has been all a BAD feelings. Because honestly, even though life can throw us some curveballs sometimes, it is people like our Pastor that seem to be restoring my faith!!
The real ironic thing is that the last few sermons at church have been about learning to trust others..something I need ALOT of work on. LOL!!
Anyway, thanks again for this journey that I am on...
Til Next Time..BIG Hugs!! Carrie♥
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine’s Day…Silent Sunday Style!!
Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Morning!! First off, I wanted to thank each of you for your warm thoughts and prayers regarding my hubby’s surgery. He seems to be doing pretty well today. In a lot of pain..but well!! But I am off work until next Tuesday so, I am trying to take care of the best I can. Since we are homebound today, I figured I would make an awesome slow-cooker recipe that is a tried and true in our house.
- 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 6 beef cubed steaks (4 ounces each)
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- 1 large onion, sliced and separated into rings
- 3 cups water, divided
- 1 envelope brown gravy mix
- 1 envelope mushroom gravy mix
- 1 envelope onion gravy mix
- Hot mashed potatoes or cooked noodles
- Place flour in a large resealable plastic bag. Add steaks, a few at a time, and shake until completely coated. In a skillet, cook steaks in oil until lightly browned on each side. Transfer to a 3-qt. slow cooker. Add the onion and 2 cups water. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours or until meat is tender.
- In a bowl, whisk together gravy mixes with remaining water. Add to slow cooker; cook 30 minutes longer. Serve over mashed potatoes or noodles.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
7 Years Ago Today….
Isn’t it kinrda funny how one split second can change your life forever!?!? Well, 7 years ago today my family’s life changed quite drastically.
As some of you may already know from some of my previous posts..7 years ago today my husband crushed his leg in a accident at work.
During these last 7 years (I guess I need to mention he was out of work for 6 of those 7 years due to his injury..) our family has experienced many different emotions.
We have endured stress due to finances. My children have missed out on so many Father / Child experiences, especially our son. Just something as simple as playing catch in the yard, was extremely painful. (Even though I have to admit that hubby is a real trooper. I have seen him sitting on a bucket with a cast on after one of his MANY surgeries, just to throw our son some pop-flies!! ) We have supported each other thru bouts of depression and lose of hope.
But worst of all my husband has had to endure so much pain. And with every surgery he still has found the strength to continue to hope this will be the last for a while. And his pain will be lessened.
So, in saying all of this..I ask the you all pray for him. Today..on the 7th Anniversary of the date of his accident, my husband got his 18th surgery!!!!!!! Which, BTW he did well with but YES, that was number 18!!!! Poor guy. Even though he is one though cookie, I know this takes a toll on him.
I just feel SO bad for him. Helpless if you will..
Anyway, if you all could say a prayer. I would GREATLY appreciate it!!
Hugs!! Carrie♥