Ok, so I decided there was no time like the present to get started on my “Daily Blog Topics”. And the topic for today is “Taking Care Of Myself Tuesday”
I know as Wives and Mothers we always tend to put ourselves last. So, One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to try to take care of myself a little bit better. Whether that be physically thru diet and exercise. Or emotionally thru journaling, etc.
Quite honestly, I haven’t actually thought this topic all the way through. So, these posts may a little scattered at times. One Tuesday, I may be sharing my weight loss journey. And another Tuesday, I may be venting about our latest “crisis”. But please bare with me..
One thing I do know, is that these post may tend to be brutally honest. I notice some times while blogging I seem to “sugar coat” some of the things I blog about. For example if something is really bothering me at work or home, I am often afraid to share my “TRUE” feelings., etc. for the fear of being rejected by my blogging friends.
Well, no more..part of taking care of ourselves is being able to get down and dirty. I will be sharing it all..my REAL weight, the “drama” we deal with being parents of TWO teens, etc. The REAL Carrie!!
Do any of you tend to do that? “Sugar Coat” some of your posts in fear of sounding like a crazed lunatic?!?!? If so, feel free to join me in “Taking Care Of Myself Tuesdays”..where us MOMS can share our everyday trials (weight loss, work, home life) without judgment!!
Hugs!! Carrie♥