This evening is just kind of a boring night. Hubby is not feeling well (PLEEAAASSSEEE don't let me get it), so he is in bed. Son is spending the night at a friend's house (Thanksgiving break) and Daughter is at work until 7:30. So I am just sitting here by my lonesome blogging and watching this

Had a busy day at work, but it was produtive at the same time. Gotta love those kind of days!! Other than that there's just a whole lot of nothin, going on. So I will leave you with this...a little something I found at Carrie's Little World (not me another Carrie)! Sorry Carrie, I may have copied a few of your answers!
A-Attached or Single: Attached
B-Best Friend: My Husband and my kids
C-Cake or Pie: Cake-Strawberry with Strawberry icing
D-Day of Choice: Saturday
E-Essential Item: Computer
F-Favorite Color: Warm tones-reds,browns,greens
G-Greatest Accomplishment: My family
H-Hometown: Belleville
I-Indulgences: Blogging and Decorating
J-January or July: July
K-Kids: 1 girl and 1 boy
L-Life is incomplete without: My family, friends, and my pets
M-Marriage: Is a lot of work but well worth it in the end
N-Number of Siblings:Two-1 sister and 1 brother
O-Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P-Phobias or fears: TOO many to name...I know I have some serious issues!!
Q-Quotes: "Treat others like it may be the last time you may see them"
R-Reason to Smile: Life
S-Season: Fall
T-Tag Friends: Anyone that wants to be tagged
U-Unknown facts about me:I am a chocolate milk drinking, magazine looking, cooking show watching,book reading, decorator wanna a be, blogging addict that ♥'s her family!!
V-Very favorite store(s): Target, Gordmans and thanks to a few of you...Hobby Lobby!!
W-Worst habit: Stressing
X-X-ray or Ultra Sound: Ultra Sound-But this baby factory is CLOSED!!!
Y-Your favorite food: ALL foods...that's another issue!!
Z-Zodiac: Leo